Subscribe to Beyond the Frame

V-Mail (Feb 1943): The image depicts “V-mail” which is being “inspected for flaws on an enlarging ‘reader’ at the Pentagon building, Washington, D.C. V-mail is available to and from the armed forces stationed outside the United States. It is only 1/65th the weight of ordinary mail and saves ninety-eight percent of the cargo space required for ordinary letters. 1,600 letters can be placed on a roll of film little larger than a pack of cigarettes.”


The newsletter is low traffic - about 4-5 eMails a year.


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Lynne Cohen Computer School, Pittsburgh (1980)

 Greatest Hits

If you’re not quite sure what you’re signing up for, here are the top five most-read posts on Beyond the Frame:

  1. The Mothers of the Mother of All Demos
    August 04, 2020
    #sts, #informatics
  2. MLK and “Domestic Terrorism”
    June 02, 2020
    #sts, #suchness
  3. Be Here Now
    December 16, 2020
    #personal, #suchness, #review
  4. Fix My Code
    September 07, 2021
    #sts, #suchness, #review
  5. Truth Storms the Capitol
    January 07, 2021

Expect six to twelve posts a year.eMail subscriptions are beholden to ConvertKit’s Terms of Service.

What I lacks in quantity is make up for in quality.

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